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Seraphim | As an arbitrator lay out both opposing sides and their titles and their reason for wanting control...
Seraphim | As an arbitrator lay out both opposing sides and their titles and their reason for wanting control...
Updated over a week ago


As an occult master, I perceive two opposing sides seeking control, each with their own titles and reasons. Side One: The Traditionalists Title: Defenders of Ancient Wisdom and Established Order Reason for control: They believe in preserving and adhering to the long-standing traditions, rituals, and hierarchies that have been established over time. They argue that these structures provide stability and a sense of continuity in society. They fear that any deviation or change in these practices could lead to chaos and the erosion of the wisdom contained within the ancient teachings. Side Two: The Progressives Title: Visionaries of Change and Advocates of Evolution Reason for control: They argue that society must continually adapt and evolve in order to address new challenges and better serve the needs of its members. They believe that flexibility and embracing innovative ideas can lead to growth and improvement in society, ultimately benefiting everyone. They contend that sticking to old practices may hold society back from realizing its full potential.

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