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Automated cryptocurrency trading software
59 articles
Introduction to Wealthybot
What is a Trader (Bot)
Quick Start Guide
How do I use the Simulator?Direction on how to set up your first Wealthybot simulator.
Getting Started with WealthybotDirections on setting up a Wealthybot for live trades from start to finish.
HODL and REINVEST Profit Strategy
What is the difference between the Up/Down and Wealthybot Trading Strategy?This article explains the difference between these two trading strategies.
Can I get a refund on Wealthybot credits?An explanation on why we cannot give you a refund on Wealthybot credits that you have purchased.
How do I create an API with Binance?Directions on how to get an API Key and Secret from Binance to place in Wealthybot.
Connect the ByBit Exchange
Kucoin API Integration
Wealthybot has not made a purchase.Directions on how to troubleshoot a live trader when it is not making purchase.
Why is my Simulator not making purchases?How to troubleshoot your simulator when it is not making a purchase.
How do I take profits?The easiest method on how to take profits.
How do I exchange BTC/ETH for USDT in Binance.This tutorial will teach you how to trade cryptocurrency in the Binance exchange into USDT for trading in Wealthybot.
Why won't my Trader sell the position at the profit percentage I set?Reason a trader will not sell a position when it reaches the profit percentage you set.
Some of my traders are making a purchase but others are not.This article explains why some of your traders may be purchasing while others are not.
Why is the Up/Down strategy not selling at the exact percentage I indicated?A technical explanation on why the up/down strategy sell percentage may vary.
How do "Credits" work?An explanation of how credits work inside Wealthybot.
How do I participate in the Wealthybot Affiliate Program?Instructions and rules related to the Wealthybot affiliate program.
What should I do if I get an Overpaid or Underpaid notice after purchasing credits?Directions on how to proceed when receiving an overpaid or underpaid message from Coinbase.
What will happen if I run out of credits?An explanation on what will happen if you run out of credits when using Wealthybot.
Why does Wealthybot dashboard says I have profits but I do not see them in the exchange?An article on what Wealthybot does with your profits.
Manual Sell gives an errorInstructions on why your manual sell option may not be working and how to fix it.
How do I manually sell a Trade on Binance?Instructions on closing a position in the Binance exchange.
How does Wealthybot make money?This article lets you know how Wealthybot obtains profit from your profits.
What is the minimum that I need for Wealthybot to work?How much money and credits you need to run Wealthybot live trading.
How can I reduce exchange fees?Instructions on how to reduce exchange fees in the Binance exchange.
How does the "enable average purchase amount" feature work?Details on how the enable average purchase feature works.
What countries can I use WealthyBot in currently?A list of countries and states that Wealthybot will work in.
How do I buy credits in the United States?Instruction for buying credits for Wealthybot in the United States.
How can I buy credits in Europe?Instruction for buying credits for Wealthybot in Europe.
I don't know anything about cryptocurrency, where should I start?Instruction on getting started with buying and trading cryptocurrencies.
How much will WealthyBot trade "per trade"?A breakdown of how the Wealthybot investment algorithm works.
Can I manually trade in the exchange Wealthybot is attached to?
Is there a chat group for WealthyBot?Directions for accessing the Wealthybot Telegram Group and chat policies.
How do I delete a Trader?Direction on how to delete a cryptocurrency Trader inside Wealthybot.
How do I stop a Trader from purchasing but let it close the current positions?How to stop a trader from making future purchases but allow it to close its current positions based on the previously set criteria.
What does the hold command do?Learn what the hold command does when you press it.
My purchase transaction has a red cross in the status area, what does this mean?A description of what it means to have a red cross in your status area on a purchase.
What exchanges does WealthyBot work with?A list of the exchanges Wealthybot currently works with.
Is WealthyBot illegal?Information on the legalities of trading cryptocurrency in your state and country.
Will you be adding more trading pairs?A list of the current cryptocurrencies that can be traded inside Wealthybot.
Do you have an affiliate or referral program with WealthyBot?Information about our Wealthybot affiliate referral program.
Can I use cryptocurrency to fund credits in WealthyBot?Yes, we accept Cryptocurrency payments directly for Wealthybot credits.
Why is there no Stop Loss?An explanation on why we have not put a stop loss feature inside of Wealthybot.
What does the Maximum Opened Purchases setting do?Explanation of how the maximum opened purchase setting works.
How does the Reserved Amount setting work?Information on how to use the Reserved Amount setting.
What does Stop Purchases Above a Certain Rate" do?A definition of the stop purchases above a certain rate feature found in Wealthybot
What does Enable Average Purchasing Amount do?A definition of the enable average purchasing amount feature found in Wealthybot
What is an API and how do I use it?The definition of what an API is and how to use it.
I can't login, why has my account been disabled?Reason and instructions on how to get your Wealthybot account re-activated if it has been canceled.
How to setup a Wealthybot Trader
What Trading Pairs Are Available in Wealthybot?
Glitched or Stuck PositionWhat to do to clear a glitched or stuck position in Wealthybot.
Trader settings explained
Coinbase Advanced API KEY Setup for Wealthy BotCoinbase Advanced API Keys Setup for Wealthy Bot
Exploring Wealthy Bot's Trade Entry Points & AlgorithmWealthy Bot Trader
How to Buy Credits on WealthyBot & What to Do If Your Payment Says Pending